Electrification in Idaho

PRC's clean energy efforts are focused on vehicle and household electrification in Idaho.  Idaho power has a commendable commitment to 100% clean energy by 2045.   Currently fully one third of Idaho’s carbon footprint is in the area of transportation.   With that in mind, PRC sponsored the first ever Pocatello EV Expo in the fall of 2022, partnering with Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Power, Idaho State University and Idaho’s Office of Energy Minerals and Resources. 

In 2022, PRC partnered with Idaho Power and Idaho State University to install Idaho State University's first electric vehicle charging station.   PRC was instrumental in helping ISU obtain grant funding from Idaho Power for this project.

Moving forward, PRC’s clean energy efforts will focus on Electrification in Idaho.  With Idaho Power’s commendable commitment to 100% Clean Energy by 2045, Idaho’s largest carbon footprint will be in the areas of transportation and use of natural gas.  In the fall of 2022, PRC partnered with Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Power, Idaho State University and the Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources to sponsor the first ever Pocatello EV Expo.  

This year, PRC is focused on educating the public on the advantages and cost savings of Electrification. PRC members are currently giving a number of presentations, tablings, and workshops covering EV’s, heat pumps (water and home heating/cooling), and induction stove tops.  We are providing information on the incentives in recently passed federal legislation including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Bill.   Stay tuned for more information and announcements of upcoming events.

We welcome your ideas to help make this kind of tangible action happen. Contact us if you want to engage!

Clean and Renewable Energy in Southeast Idaho

Wind turbines near American Falls

Since 2018, PRC has actively worked to promote the adoption of residential solar power.  In 2019, PRC coordinated the Solarize Pocatello campaign.  The program was wildly successful with over 350 homeowners having their property assessed for solar and over 82 homes having solar panels installed through the group discount PRC negotiated with the solar installer.

Solar panel residential installation.

Immediately at the conclusion of the Solarize program, Idaho Power sought a rate change with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.  PRC responded by helping coordinate a public writing and speaking response that resulted in Idaho Power being told to study the value of distributed energy resources before making any further rate change proposal.  Additionally, the Idaho PUC ruled that any existing distributed energy resources were granted the legacy net metering rate for the next 20 years, effectively protecting the investment Idahoans already made in clean energy - including the 82 installations through PRC’s Solarize Campaign.

Learn more . . . about the VODER (Value of Distributed Energy Resources) study and related topics.

Since then, PRC continues to monitor and coordinate responses to threats to solar owners’ rights.  Idaho Power has brought a number of petitions to the PUC and PRC and our allies across the State fight for rights of Idahoans to affordable, equitable clean energy.

In 2023, we anticipate Idaho Power will once again try to change the net metering compensation rate and we will be there to advocate for solar owners.