Pocatello EV Expo, Fall 2022



PRC's clean energy efforts are focused on vehicle and household electrification in Idaho.  Idaho power has a commendable commitment to 100% clean energy by 2045.   Currently fully one third of Idaho’s carbon footprint is in the area of transportation.   With that in mind, PRC sponsored the first ever Pocatello EV Expo in the fall of 2022, partnering with Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Power, Idaho State University and Idaho’s Office of Energy Minerals and Resources. 

In 2022, PRC partnered with Idaho Power and Idaho State University to install Idaho State University's first electric vehicle charging station.   PRC was instrumental in helping ISU obtain grant funding from Idaho Power for this project.  

In the coming year, PRC will be focused on educating the public on the advantages and cost savings of Electrification. There will be a number of presentations, tablings, and workshops covering EV’s, Heat Pumps (water and home heating/cooling), and induction stove tops.  We will provide information on the incentives in recently passed federal legislation including the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Bill.   Stay tuned for more information and announcements of upcoming events.

More resources . . . including information about homeowner savings through the Inflation Reduction Act and PRC's informative PowerPoint on Electric Vehicles.

Affordable, Equitable Solar Power

In 2019, PRC coordinated Solarize Pocatello, a regional residential solar initiative.  PRC did the homework for the consumer and conducted workshops across the region connecting homeowners with a reputable solar installation company that provided a limited time offer of a substantial group discount.  Through Solarize Pocatello, PRC helped more than 80 homeowners in Southeast Idaho get solar installed on their property.  

Since then, PRC has continued to be a strong advocate for residential solar working with a coalition of Idaho non-profit organizations, the Idaho Solar Mobilization Team, coordinating public response to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission challenging Idaho Power’s plans to reduce the export credit rate for residential solar customers.  Recently, PRC helped fund the Crossborder Energy study as a critique and response to Idaho Power’s VODER (value of distributed energy resources) study.  Armed with this study, PRC helped coordinate a massive public response to the Idaho PUC.  Ultimately, IPUC approved the VODER study and PRC and it’s allies anticipate there will be petition to the PUC to reduce the export credit rate (net metering).  PRC and the Idaho Solar Mobilization Team will be coordinating the response to oppose any further reduction in Net Metering for Idaho’s homeowners.

More resources . . .  including the VODER and Crossborder Studies

 Put Water First

American Falls Reservoir, from the basalt bluffs on the northwest shoreline.

Our goal is to protect Portneuf River Valley streams, aquifers, and wetland areas to ensure a clean and safe water supply.

Clean abundant water is the lifeblood of a healthy economy and environment. Family farms, municipalities, individual households and businesses rely on clean water for personal health, growing healthy food, and a strong economy.

PRC members are working with and educating local officials to help them implement programs and policies to protect groundwater, our only drinking water source. PRC is keeping water protection issues in front of local decision makers to help them balance economic and environmental concerns.

Public Lands Work 

The Edson Fichter Nature Area receives thousands of visitors every year. One thing the area lacks is a diversity of native plants in portions of the property. The Portneuf Resource Council received a grant from the Idaho Community Foundation to supply over 300 plants including trees, shrubs and flowers to be planted in the spring of 2023.

Portneuf River Access

Until recently there were no public access areas along the lower Portneuf River where people could launch a small boat of any kind.  The City of Pocatello has worked over the last four years to establish several new access areas within the city limits. 

The Portneuf Resource Council applied for and received a grant through IFFT to provide cooperative funding for a parking area and river access on Bureau of Land Management property at the Portneuf Gap. The project is now complete and is called the Portneuf Gap River Access, located along West Portneuf Road one mile south of the Fort Hall Mine Road. The parking lot was a cooperative effort between Idaho Fish and Game, the Bureau of Land Management and the USFS.

Portneuf Gap River Access